sys_init, initializing devices

Devices declaration, initialization and configuration is done with the help of the sys_init() syscall family. sys_init(INIT_GETTASKID)

If a task A wants to communicate with another task B, task A needs to retrieve task’s B identifier.


  • Each running task is identified by a unique identifier: its task id. A task have also a name, given by the implementor, to ease its identification.
  • If IPC domains are supported by the kernel, only tasks in the same domain can identify each other.

Getting a task id is done with sys_init(INIT_GETTASKID) syscall:

uint8_t        peer_id;
e_syscall_ret  ret;

ret = sys_init(INIT_GETTASKID, "task_b", &peer_id);
if (ret != SYS_E_DONE) {

In the example above, if the call is succesful, the peer_id parameter is updated with the task id. sys_init(INIT_DEVACCESS)

If a task wants to use a device, it must request it to the kernel using the sys_init(INIT_DEVACCESS) syscall.


DMA streams are not initialized with sys_init(INIT_DEVACCESS) but with sys_init(INIT_DMA)

To make that request, a device_t structure, whose prototype is defined in kernel/src/C/exported/devices.h, must be filled. That structure describes the requested device. Its content is:

typedef struct {
    char              name[16];
    physaddr_t        address;
    uint32_t          size;
    uint8_t           irq_num;
    uint8_t           gpio_num;
    dev_map_mode_t    map_mode;
    dev_irq_info_t    irqs[MAX_IRQS];
    dev_gpio_info_t   gpios[MAX_GPIOS];
} device_t;

The fields of the device_t structure are explained here:

  • name contains a name, useful for debugging purposes
  • address is the base address of the device in memory (0 if the device is not mapped in memory)
  • size is the size of the mapping in memory (0 if the device is not mapped in memory)
  • irq_num is the number of configured IRQs in the irqs[] array
  • gpio_num is the number of configured GPIOs in the gpios[] array
  • map_mode tell if the device must be automatically mapped in task’s address space.
  • 0 up to 4 IRQ lines are defined in irqs[] array
  • 0 up to 16 GPIOs are defined in gpios[] array

Below is an example, excerpt from the Blinky demo demo:

device_t    leds;
int         desc_leds;

memset (&leds, 0, sizeof (leds));

strncpy (leds.name, "LEDs", sizeof (leds.name));
leds.gpio_num = 4; /* Number of configured GPIO */

leds.gpios[0].kref.port = GPIO_PD;
leds.gpios[0].kref.pin = 12;
leds.gpios[0].mask     = GPIO_MASK_SET_MODE | GPIO_MASK_SET_PUPD |
                         GPIO_MASK_SET_TYPE | GPIO_MASK_SET_SPEED;
leds.gpios[0].mode     = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_MODE;
leds.gpios[0].pupd     = GPIO_PULLDOWN;
leds.gpios[0].type     = GPIO_PIN_OTYPER_PP;
leds.gpios[0].speed    = GPIO_PIN_HIGH_SPEED;

leds.gpios[1].kref.port = GPIO_PD;
leds.gpios[1].kref.pin = 13;
leds.gpios[1].mask     = GPIO_MASK_SET_MODE | GPIO_MASK_SET_PUPD |
                         GPIO_MASK_SET_TYPE | GPIO_MASK_SET_SPEED;

ret = sys_init(INIT_DEVACCESS, &leds, &desc_leds);

In this example:

  • leds parameter is a device_t structure that describes the requested device. Here, the leds on the stm32f407 board.
  • desc_leds is a device id returned by the syscall. It’s not very useful here as the device id is used only in some few syscalls (sys_cfg(CFG_DEV_MAP) and sys_cfg(CFG_DEV_UNMAP)) Mapping devices in memory

Due to MPU constraints on Cortex-M, a task can not map simultaneously more than 4 devices in memory.

If a task needs to manage more than 4 devices, it should use the syscalls sys_cfg(CFG_DEV_MAP) and sys_cfg(CFG_DEV_UNMAP) to voluntary map and unmap the desire devices. Those syscalls can be used only if:

  • map_mode field of the device_t structure is set to DEV_MAP_VOLUNTARY
  • the task is granted with a specific permission to do this (set in the menuconfig kernel menu). Using GPIOs

Each GPIO port/pin pair is identified by a kref value. That value must be filled in when using the sys_cfg(CFG_GPIO_GET) and sys_cfg(CFG_GPIO_GET) syscalls (see sys_cfg, configuring devices). IRQ handler

For each IRQ, an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) should be declared. Here is an example excerpt from the Demo examples :

memset (&button, 0, sizeof (button));
strncpy (button.name, "BUTTON", sizeof (button.name));

button.gpio_num = 1;
button.gpios[0].kref.port   = button_dev_infos.gpios[BUTTON].port;
button.gpios[0].kref.pin    = button_dev_infos.gpios[BUTTON].pin;
button.gpios[0].mask        = GPIO_MASK_SET_MODE | GPIO_MASK_SET_PUPD |
                              GPIO_MASK_SET_TYPE | GPIO_MASK_SET_SPEED |
button.gpios[0].mode        = GPIO_PIN_INPUT_MODE;
button.gpios[0].pupd        = GPIO_PULLDOWN;
button.gpios[0].type        = GPIO_PIN_OTYPER_PP;
button.gpios[0].speed       = GPIO_PIN_LOW_SPEED;
button.gpios[0].exti_trigger = GPIO_EXTI_TRIGGER_RISE;
button.gpios[0].exti_lock    = GPIO_EXTI_UNLOCKED;
button.gpios[0].exti_handler = (user_handler_t) exti_button_handler;

/* Now that the button device structure is filled, use sys_init to
 * initialize it */
ret = sys_init(INIT_DEVACCESS, &button, &desc_button); sys_init(INIT_DMA)

If a task wants to use a DMA stream, it must request it to the kernel using the sys_init(INIT_DMA) syscall. To make that request, a dma_t structure, whose prototype is defined in kernel/src/C/exported/dma.h, must be filled. That structure describes the requested DMA stream. Its content is:

typedef struct {
    uint8_t dma;            /* DMA controler identifier (1 for DMA1, 2 for DMA2, etc.) */
    uint8_t stream;
    uint8_t channel;
    uint16_t size;          /* Transfering size in bytes */
    physaddr_t in_addr;     /* Input base address */
    dma_prio_t in_prio;     /* Priority */
    user_dma_handler_t in_handler;  /* ISR with one argument (irqnum), see types.h */
    physaddr_t out_addr;    /* Output base address */
    dma_prio_t out_prio;    /* Priority */
    user_dma_handler_t out_handler; /* ISR with one argument (irqnum), see types.h */
    dma_flowctrl_t flow_control;    /* Flow controller */
    dma_dir_t dir;          /* Transfert direction */
    dma_mode_t mode;        /* DMA mode */
    dma_datasize_t datasize;    /* Data unit size (byte, half-word or word) */
    bool mem_inc;           /* Increment for memory */
    bool dev_inc;           /* Increment for device */
    dma_burst_t mem_burst;  /* Memory burst size */
    dma_burst_t dev_burst;  /* Device burst size */
} dma_t;


dma.dma = DMA2;
dma.stream = DMA2_STREAM_SDIO_FD;
dma.channel = DMA2_CHANNEL_SDIO;
dma.size = 0;                   /* Set later with DMA_RECONF */
dma.in_addr = (physaddr_t) 0;   /* Set later with DMA_RECONF */
dma.in_prio = DMA_PRI_HIGH;
dma.in_handler = (user_dma_handler_t) sdio_dmacallback;
dma.out_addr = (volatile physaddr_t)sdio_get_data_addr();
dma.out_handler = (user_dma_handler_t) sdio_dmacallback;
dma.flow_control = DMA_FLOWCTRL_DEV;
dma.mode = DMA_FIFO_MODE;
dma.datasize = DMA_DS_WORD;
dma.mem_inc = 1;
dma.dev_inc = 0;
dma.mem_burst = DMA_BURST_INC4;
dma.dev_burst = DMA_BURST_INC4;

ret = sys_init(INIT_DMA, &dma, &dma_descriptor);

In this example, the dma_descriptor is an identifier returned by the syscall and used by the sys_cfg(CFG_DMA_RECONF) and sys_cfg(CFG_DMA_RELOAD) syscalls.


For the sake of security, the EwoK DMA implementation denies memory-to-memory transfers. sys_init(INIT_DMA_SHM)

When multiple tasks take part in a complex data flow with multiple DMA copies from one device to another (e.g. from a USB High Speed device to the SDIO interface), it may be efficient to support pipelined DMA transfers with low latency between tasks.

As tasks have no rights to request a DMA transfer from another task’s buffer toward a device they own, this syscall allows to explicitly declare this right, based on the Ewok permission model.

Using such a mechanism, the task can initiate a DMA transfer from a foreign memory buffer without any direct access to it, but only toward a given peripheral (e.g. a CRYP device or an SDIO device).

Sharing a DMA buffer with another task is done with the following API:

e_syscall_ret sys_init(INIT_DMA_SHM, dma_shm_t *dma_shm);

Declaring a DMA SHM does not create a mapping of the other task’s buffer in the current task memory map. Only the DMA controller is able to access the other task’s buffer, as a source or destination of the transaction. The current task is not able to read or write directly into the buffer. As the MEMORY_TO_MEMORY DMA transaction is also forbidden, the task is not able to use the DMA to get back its content from the DMA controller by requesting a copy into its own memory map. sys_init(INIT_DONE)

As previously described, this syscall locks the initialization phase and starts the nominal phase of the task. From now on, the task can execute all syscalls but the sys_init() one under its own permission condition.

Finalizing the initialization phase is done with the following API:

e_syscall_ret sys_init(INIT_DONE);