5.3.2. Managing devices from userland Task life-cycle

EwoK userspace tasks should follow a specific life-cycle, based on two sequential states:

  • The initialization state, during which devices are declared and initialized
  • The Nominal state Initialization state

All resources declarations are performed during the initialization state. During this state, the task can:

  • declare and initialize a device
  • request DMA channels
  • ask for other tasks’ identifiers
  • request some DMA shared memory (that will be shared with another task)
  • log messages into the kernel log console

These actions depend on permissions, as defined in EwoK pemission model.

During this state, the task cannot use any device, nor interact with any other task. Trying to use a device at this state or to interact with other tasks will elicit a memory fault or a SYS_E_DENIED. The only possible syscalls are sys_log(), used by printf(), and the sys_init() syscalls family.


Do not try to access any registered device memory during the initialization phase, this will result into a memory fault

Ending the initialization phase is done with the following:


After that step, the task is in nominal state. It has no way to request some new hardware or software resources. Nominal state

In this state, the task can use the previously declared resources. All memory mapped devices are mapped in the task memory space, which can therefore access that memory area.


If a device is configured as a voluntary mapped device, its registers are not automatically mapped in the task’s memory space. The task needs to voluntarily map it to be able to access it.

The task is no more authorized to execute any sys_init() call to the kernel.

Other syscalls can be used:

  • sys_log() to transmit a message on the kernel logging facility
  • sys_ipc() syscalls family, to communicate through kernel IPC with other tasks
  • sys_cfg() syscalls family, to (re)configure previously declared devices and DMA
  • sys_get_systick() to get time stamping information
  • sys_yield() to voluntarily release the CPU core and sleep until an external event arises (IRQ or IPC targeting the task)
  • sys_sleep() to voluntarily release the CPU core and sleep for a given number of milliseconds
  • sys_reset() to voluntarily reset the SoC
  • sys_lock() to voluntarily lock a critical section and postpone the task’s ISR for some time Declaring and initializing resources Declaring and initializing a device

Before using a device, a task must declare and initialize it. Declaring and initializing a DMA stream is a particular case (see below).

The device structure is the following:

typedef struct {
   char            name[16];      /**< device name */
   physaddr_t      address;       /**< device base address */
   uint16_t        size;          /**< device size (in bytes) */
   uint8_t         irq_num;       /**< number of device IRQs */
   uint8_t         gpio_num;      /**< number of device associated GPIOs */
   dev_irq_info_t  irqs[MAX_IRQS];   /**< table of IRQ management infos */
   dev_gpio_info_t gpios[MAX_GPIOS]; /**< table of GPIO configurations */
} device_t;

The device_t structure is composed by:

  • The name field contains a name, used to ease debugging
  • The address and the size contains the MMIO address space, as defined in the datasheet
  • The irqs and gpios define a list of IRQs and GPIO pins (see below)

The device is then declared and initialized by using the sys_init(INIT_DEVACCESS) syscall (see sys_init, initializing devices). It is submitted to a set of permissions (see EwoK permissions).

The device is activated, including the RCC line(s), when the task ends its initialization phase by calling sys_init(INIT_DONE.


A device can be declared and initialized by only one task.


Ada kernel is very strict with the syscall arguments types conformance. When passing structures, it is highly recommended to memset them to 0 before setting their content, otherwise the kernel will probably return SYS_E_INVAL Declaring a GPIO pin

GPIOs connect the SoC to the outside world (peripherals, buttons, leds, etc.) Even if GPIO ports are devices per se (they are memory mapped, with their own registers), EwoK never allows to directly map them in the user space. A GPIO port controls several pins in a single register. A device usually needs to control, at most, only some few pins. Thus, GPIO ports are shared resources and the access to the pins are managed and mediated by the kernel.

The dev_gpio_info_t structure is the following:

typedef struct {
     gpio_mask_t         mask;
     gpioref_t           kref;
     gpio_mode_t         mode;
     gpio_pupd_t         pupd;
     gpio_type_t         type;
     gpio_speed_t        speed;
     uint32_t            afr;
     uint32_t            lck;
     gpio_exti_trigger_t exti_trigger;
     gpio_exti_lock_t    exti_lock;
     user_handler_t      exti_handler;
} dev_gpio_info_t;

The mode, pupd, type, speed and afr are usual information about a GPIO pin. The configuration mask allows to configure only some of these fields (e.g. if there is no alternate function to configure).

The kref field the GPIO port/pin couple.

Here is an example of some GPIO pins declaration:

usart_dev.gpios[0].mask =

usart_dev.gpios[0].kref.port = GPIO_PA;
usart_dev.gpios[0].kref.pin = 6;

usart_dev.gpios[0].type = GPIO_PIN_OTYPER_PP;
usart_dev.gpios[0].pupd = GPIO_NOPULL;
usart_dev.gpios[0].mode = GPIO_PIN_ALTERNATE_MODE;
usart_dev.gpios[0].speed = GPIO_PIN_VERY_HIGH_SPEED;
usart_dev.gpios[0].afr = GPIO_AF_USART1;

usart_dev.gpios[1].mask =

usart_dev.gpios[1].kref.port = GPIO_PA;
usart_dev.gpios[1].kref.pin = 7;

usart_dev.gpios[1].afr = GPIO_AF_USART1;
usart_dev.gpios[1].type = GPIO_PIN_OTYPER_PP;
usart_dev.gpios[1].pupd = GPIO_NOPULL;
usart_dev.gpios[1].mode = GPIO_PIN_ALTERNATE_MODE;
usart_dev.gpios[1].speed = GPIO_PIN_VERY_HIGH_SPEED; GPIOs and external interrupts (EXTI)

GPIOs can be associated to external interrupts (EXTI). This is required to asynchronously detect some external events based on GPIOs such as a button pressed, an event on the touchscreen, etc.

These fields of the dev_gpio_info_t structure permit to configure such EXTIs:

  • exti_trigger specifies the kind of EXTI trigger
  • exti_lock specifies whether the EXTI line has to be masked each time an EXTI interrupt arises (see sys_cfg(SYS_CFG_UNLOCK_EXTI) in sys_cfg, configuring devices)
  • exti_handler has the address of the ISR handler to execute

The IRQ line associated to the EXTI must not be declared: it is already fully managed by the microkernel.

exti_trigger Description
GPIO_EXTI_TRIGGER_NONE No trigger (the default)
GPIO_EXTI_TRIGGER_RISE Trigger only on rising edge (value rising from 0 to 1)
GPIO_EXTI_TRIGGER_FALL Trigger only on falling edge (value rising from 1 to 0)
GPIO_EXTI_TRIGGER_BOTH Trigger on both edges
exti_lock Description
GPIO_EXTI_UNLOCKED The EXTI interrupt arises normaly
GPIO_EXTI_LOCKED The EXTI line is muted at the first interrupt. No more interrupt on this line arises until the task voluntary unlock the line Declaring an IRQ

Declaring some IRQ is made through the use of the dev_irq_info_t structure:

typedef struct {
    user_handler_t            handler;
    uint8_t                   irq;
    dev_irq_isr_scheduling_t  mode;
    dev_irq_ph_t              posthook;
} dev_irq_info_t;

The parameters:

  • handler stores the address of the user defined ISR handler
  • irq is the IRQ number, given by the kernel
  • mode is a special field (described below)
  • posthook_status and posthook_data are described below

For each IRQ, the task must declare an IRQ handler. An IRQ handler takes three parameters:

void my_irq_handler (uint8_t irq, uint32_t posthook_status, uint32_t posthook_data);

The IRQ handler is executed in ISR mode. It has access to the task content except for the stack. It has its own stack, which is erased each time the handler terminates. By default the termination of an ISR handler awakes its related task’s main thread if it’s sleeping or idle. This behavior can be modified by modifying the mode field of the dev_irq_info_t structure:

mode Description
IRQ_ISR_STANDARD Make main thread runnable
IRQ_ISR_FORCE_MAINTHREAD Make main thread runnable and force its execution
IRQ_ISR_WITHOUT_MAINTHREAD Do not modify main thread’s state

The IRQ_ISR_FORCE_MAINTHREAD may be required by devices needing some highly responsive software. Because of the not so negligible impact on the scheduling policy, using this value requires specific permissions.

Note that user ISRs are not executed synchronously:

  • ISR treatment is postponed
  • Acknowledgement of the hardware device’s interrupt is not executed by the user ISR. It is done by the posthooks, described hereafter Acknowledging interrupts with posthooks

Posthook mechanism allows to synchronously acknowledge external interrupts, when they are handled by the kernel, before their management is postponed to be managed by a user ISR handler.

Device interrupt acknowledgements may vary from one device to another. They are usually a sequence of reads, writes or masks of some device registers. EwoK provides a small API to make the kernel managing all these in generic and a safe way. Posthook API is mostly used to acknowledge hardware device interrupts.

Posthook action Description
IRQ_PH_NIL No action
IRQ_PH_READ Reading a value from a device’s register
IRQ_PH_WRITE Writing a value into a device’s register
  1. Reads a value from a register (usually a status register)
  2. Mask that value to in order to write only active bits
  3. Might invert the bits
  4. Write the calculated value in a destination register (usually dedicated to acknowledge the interrupt)
  1. Reads a value from a register
  2. Reads a mask from a register
  3. Mask that value to in order to write only active bits
  4. Might invert the bits
  5. Write the obtained value in a destination register

A device’s register is specified as an offset, calculated from the base of the device’s memory space.


The posthook implementation keeps memory of the read in order to avoid multiple reads of the same register, which could lead to unexpected behaviors (e.g. ToCToU vulnerability)

As we already see above, an IRQ handler takes three parameters:

void my_irq_handler (uint8_t irq, uint32_t posthook_status, uint32_t posthook_data);

The posthook_status and posthook_data parameters may contain values read during the posthook action, and ought to be transmitted to the user handler. Most of the time, posthook_status stores the value read from a status register while the posthook_data stores a value read from another device’s register. If the device declares a posthook with (at least) two register read, it can also ask for getting back these registers values as they were at the posthook execution time, by specifying the very same register offset in the posthook status and data fields.

Below is an example for the USART driver:

usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.status = 0x0000; /* status register */
usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.data   = 0x0004; /* data register */

usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[0].instr = IRQ_PH_READ;
usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[0].read.offset = 0x0000; /* reading status register */

usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[1].instr = IRQ_PH_READ;
usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[1].read.offset = 0x0004; /* reading data register */

usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[2].instr = IRQ_PH_WRITE;
usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[2].write.offset = 0x0000; /* write to status register... */
usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[2].write.value  = 0x00;   /* ...the value 0x0 */
usart_dev.irqs[0].posthook.action[2].write.mask   = 0x3 << 6; /* using the given write mask
                                                                 (clear TC & Tx status in SR register) */


  • When declaring posthooks, you can only use offsets based on current device base address
  • The offsets must be a part of the device address map
  • The posthook sanitation is done at device declaration time, posthooks cannot be modified Declaring and initializing a DMA stream

A DMA controller is shared among several devices. Thus, its access by the tasks is mediated by the kernel.

EwoK allows only memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory DMA usage. Memory-to-memory is not safe enough and is forbidden in EwoK (since the DMA controller bypasses the MPU controller, which is obviously very dangerous).

A task can request multiple DMA streams. Note that it is possible to reconfigure the previously configured stream after the initialization phase.

The dma_t structure is the following:

typedef struct {
    physaddr_t in_addr;       /* DMA input base address */
    physaddr_t out_addr;      /* DMA output base address */
    dma_prio_t in_prio;       /* DMA priority for memory to peripheral */
    dma_prio_t out_prio;      /* DMA priority for peripheral to peripheral */
    uint16_t size;            /* DMA buffer size to copy (in bytes) */
    uint8_t dma;              /* DMA controler identifier */
    uint8_t channel;          /* DMA channel to configure */
    uint8_t stream;           /* DMA stream to configure */
    dma_flowctrl_t flow_control; /* DMA Flow controller */
    dma_dir_t dir;            /* Current DMA direction */
    dma_mode_t mode;          /* Current DMA mode */
    bool mem_inc;             /* DMA incremental mode for memory */
    bool dev_inc;             /* DMA incremental mode for device */
    dma_datasize_t datasize;  /* data unit size */
    dma_burst_t mem_burst;    /* type of DMA burst mode */
    dma_burst_t dev_burst;    /* type of DMA burst mode */
    user_dma_handler_t in_handler;  /* DMA ISR for memory to pheripheral */
    user_dma_handler_t out_handler; /* DMA ISR for peripheral to memoryt */
} dma_t;

A task declaring a dma_t structure does not have to fill all the fields. The in_handler`, ``out_handler, in_addr, out_addr and size can be set later, in nominal mode. The reason is that a single stream can be used for sending or receiving data.

Here is a typical declaration used in the SDIO stack:

dma.channel = DMA2_CHANNEL_SDIO;
dma.dir = MEMORY_TO_PERIPHERAL; /* write by default */
dma.in_addr = (physaddr_t) 0;   /* to set later via DMA_RECONF */
dma.out_addr = (volatile physaddr_t)sdio_get_data_addr();
dma.in_prio = DMA_PRI_HIGH;
dma.dma = DMA2;
dma.size = 0; /* to set later via DMA_RECONF */

dma.stream = DMA2_STREAM_SDIO_FD;

dma.mode = DMA_FIFO_MODE;
dma.mem_inc = 1;
dma.dev_inc = 0;
dma.datasize = DMA_DS_WORD;
dma.mem_burst = DMA_BURST_INC4;
dma.dev_burst = DMA_BURST_INC4;
dma.flow_control = DMA_FLOWCTRL_DEV;
dma.in_handler = (user_dma_handler_t) sdio_dmacallback;
dma.out_handler = (user_dma_handler_t) sdio_dmacallback;

ret = sys_init(INIT_DMA, &dma, &dmadesc);

When calling sys_init(INIT_DMA, &dma, &dmadesc), the dmadesc identifier is updated with a unique identifier that can be used later by some syscalls. Manipulating a DMA

When calling sys_init(INIT_DONE), the DMA controller has its clock enabled if it is not already, but the DMA stream is not activated. To activate the DMA transfer, the task needs to call sys_cfg(CFG_DMA_RECONF). This syscall will configure all the fields involved in the transfer and launch it if every required field is properly set. This behavior allows the task to activate the DMA at will, e.g. when the input buffer is ready, or after receiving a dedicated IPC. Reconfiguring a DMA stream

Most of the time, reconfiguring a DMA stream requires to reconfigure in_addr, out_addr and size fields, to set the input/output addresses involved in the DMA transfer and the size of the transfer.

Here is an example of a DMA reconfiguration:

dma.out_addr = (physaddr_t)buffer;
dma.size = buf_len;

The fields that can be reconfigured are the following:

  • ISR handlers in_handler and out_handler
  • Input and output addresses in_addr and out_addr
  • Transfer size size
  • DMA mode (Circular, FIFO, Direct), mode
  • DMA priority (between other DMA controller tasks), in_prio and out_prio
  • DMA direction, dir


The DMA circular mode does not require any action from the task as the DMA is then fully autonomous (until the user task requires a DMA reset to stop the DMA action).

DMA direction is allowed to be reconfigured in the case of DMA streams that are used for both device read and write access (e.g. SDIO device on the STM32F4xx boards).

When passing in parameter the dma_t structure to the sys_cfg(CFG_DMA_RECONF) syscall, a mask is used to specify which fields are updated. Reloading a DMA stream

In DMA circular mode, the controller never stops transferring data. It is possible to stop this active stream by using the sys_cfg(CFG_DMA_DISABLE) syscall.

Then, the task may reactivate this very same stream by using the sys_cfg(CFG_DMA_RELOAD) syscall. Declaring and initializing a DMA SHM

Sometimes, a dataplane may be implemented using multiple tasks communicating with each others. When the internal device dataplane is manipulating DMA streams, the tasks may wish to optimize the data buffer transfer by using only DMA transfers between them instead of using manual buffer copy through IPC.

For this case, EwoK allows tasks to voluntarily share a memory buffer. One of the task, the caller, owns that memory buffer, mapped in its address space.

The other task, the receiver, will then be able to request DMA transaction from or toward this memory buffer, from a given hardware device (e.g. CRYP, HASH, or any device that reads data stream through DMA requests as input). Note that this memory buffer is not mapped in the receiver’s memory space and the receiver can therefore never read from or write to it.

Sharing a memory buffer by this mean is subject to specific permissions.


DMA SHM declaration is often associated with IPCs to let the caller inform the receiver of the buffer address and size

Here is a typical usage of DMA SHM buffer:

const uint32_t bufsize = 4096;
buf[bufsize] = { 0 };

dma_shm_t dmashm_rd;

dmashm_rd.target = id_receiver;
dmashm_rd.source = task_id;
dmashm_rd.address = (physaddr_t)flash_buf;
dmashm_rd.size = bufsize;
/* Receiver can only create DMA request *from* this buffer (read only) */
dmashm_rd.mode = DMA_SHM_ACCESS_RD;

printf("Declaring DMA_SHM for read flow\n");
ret = sys_init(INIT_DMA_SHM, &dmashm_rd);
printf("sys_init returns %s !\n", strerror(ret));
