5.4.2. About EwoK permissions internals EwoK permissions kernel API

Inside the kernel, the permission module exposes a very simple API, in order to support permission management modularity. This permits, in a future work, to add various permission models using the same API to other parts of the kernel.

The permission API defines a list of resource names:

Permission name Description
PERM_RES_DEV_DMA access to DMA devices
PERM_RES_DEV_CRYPTO_USR user access to hardware cryptographic devices
PERM_RES_DEV_CRYPTO_CFG full access to hardware cryptographic devices (key injection granted)
PERM_RES_DEV_BUSES access to buses (USART, I2C, SPI…)
PERM_RES_DEV_EXTI access to external interrupts
PERM_RES_DEV_TIM access to timers
PERM_RES_TIM_GETMILLI access to timestamp with tick precision
PERM_RES_TIM_GETMICRO access to timestamp with microsecond precision
PERM_RES_TIM_GETCYCLE access to timestamp with CPU cycle precision
PERM_RES_TSK_FISR task’s ISRs are able to require main thread immediate execution
PERM_RES_TSK_FIPC task’s IPC send is able to require target thread immediate execution
PERM_RES_TSK_RESET task is able to request immediate SoC reset
PERM_RES_TSK_UPGRADE task is able to upgrade the firmware (i.e. map the internal flash)
PERM_RES_TSK_RNG task is able to request random data from the kernel RNG source
PERM_RES_MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP task is able to (un)map its own devices declared as voluntary mapped

Resource names are define using the preprocessor in C, mapped as an uint32_t. In Ada, the permission name has its own type.

The permission API also exports the following prototypes:

bool perm_ipc_is_granted(e_task_id from,
                         e_task_id to);

bool perm_ressource_is_granted(uint32_t  ressource_name,
                               task_t*   task);

bool perm_same_ipc_domain(e_task_id      src,
                          e_task_id      dst);

Through this API, it is possible to control all accesses to resources and tasks. This API abstracts the permission memory model described below. Memory representation of permissions in EwoK

As shown in Ewok permissions API, permissions are based on a tree hierarchy.

Permissions are split into two main categories:

  • resources access permissions
  • communication access permissions Resource access permissions memory model

Resource access permissions correspond to all permissions associated to an access to a hardware resource (core timeslot, device, current cycle count, etc.).

In order to optimize resources access permissions check at runtime, they are mapped as a resource permission register, for each application. This resource permission register works the same way as any hardware register, with bit fields and masks.

The C implementation of such permissions check is not easy as C does not easily manage bitfields, but Ada is clearly more efficient for such checks.

The resource permission register is 32-bit long and has the following mapping:

permissions register permissions register

Checking permissions at run time is done using masks, which allows to optimize permission check time and use boolean constructions.

Booleans are directly mapped as a register bit. Enumerate respects the following structure:

Time permission mapping (2 bits):

  • 0b00 : none
  • 0b01 : tick permission
  • 0b10 : microsecond permission
  • 0b11 : cycle permission

Cryptographic IP access mapping (2 bits)

  • 0b00 : no access
  • 0b01 : data plane access (no key injection)
  • 0b10 : configuration access (key injection, RNG access)
  • 0b11 : both accesses

The permission register is based on each application permission declaration in the configuration of the Tataouine SDK. The register is created by Tataouine in include/generated/app_layout.h (for C code) and in include/generated/Ada/app_layout.ads (for Ada code).

The permission register is generated as a static const array of bits denoted 0b110010011100…0001110000 in a dedicated resource permission table in include/generated/gen_perms.h by tools/apps/permissions.pl script.

The kernel perm.c/perm.h (for C) and perm.adb/perm.ads file manage the permission register read and return the task permissions based on it. Communication access permissions memory model

Communications permissions are based on two matrices:

  • An IPC matrix, defining which task is able to communicate with which through IPC calls
  • A DMA SHM matrix, defining which task is able to share a DMA buffer with which peer

These matrices are generated in include/generated/gen_perms.h by tools/apps/permissions.pl script.

Here is a typical gen_perms.h content:

/* ressource register */
typedef uint32_t ressource_reg_t;

static const ressource_reg_t ressource_perm_tab[] = {
    0x10000000, /* benchlog */
    0xc000a000, /* crypto */
    0x90000000, /* pin */
    0x94000000, /* sdio */
    0x50008000, /* smart */
    0x90000000, /* usb */

/* ipc communication permissions */
static const bool com_ipc_perm[][6] = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0},
    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}

/* dmashm communication permissions */
static const bool com_dmashm_perm[][6] = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}

The Ada implementation of the permissions is using a strictly typed register instead of a uint32_t bitfield for the resources permissions register. The Ada implementation of EwoK is also using SPARK in order to validate its data flow.

Here is the generated Ada specification

package ewok.perm_auto
   with spark_mode => on

   -- ressource register definition
   type t_ressource_reg is record
      DEV_DMA         : bit;
      DEV_CRYPTO      : bits_2;
      DEV_BUS         : bit;
      DEV_EXTI        : bit;
      DEV_TIM         : bit;
      DEV_reserved    : bits_2;
      TIM_TIME        : bits_2;
      TIM_reserved    : bits_6;
      TSK_FISR        : bit;
      TSK_FIPC        : bit;
      TSK_RESET       : bit;
      TSK_UPGRADE     : bit;
      TSK_RANDOM      : bit;
      TSK_reserved    : bits_3;
      MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP : bit;
      MEM_reserved    : bits_7;
   end record
      with Size => 32;

   for t_ressource_reg use record
      DEV_DMA         at 0 range 31 .. 31;
      DEV_CRYPTO      at 0 range 29 .. 30;
      DEV_BUS         at 0 range 28 .. 28;
      DEV_EXTI        at 0 range 27 .. 27;
      DEV_TIM         at 0 range 26 .. 26;
      DEV_reserved    at 0 range 24 .. 25;
      TIM_TIME        at 0 range 22 .. 23;
      TIM_reserved    at 0 range 16 .. 21;
      TSK_FISR        at 0 range 15 .. 15;
      TSK_FIPC        at 0 range 14 .. 14;
      TSK_RESET       at 0 range 13 .. 13;
      TSK_UPGRADE     at 0 range 12 .. 12;
      TSK_RANDOM      at 0 range 11 .. 11;
      TSK_reserved    at 0 range  8 .. 10;
      MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP at 0 range  7 .. 7;
      MEM_reserved    at 0 range  0 .. 6;
   end record;

   type t_com_matrix is
     array (t_real_task_id'range, t_real_task_id'range) of Boolean;

   ressource_perm_register_tab : array (t_real_task_id'range) of t_ressource_reg :=
       -- ressource_perm_register for CRYPTO
       ID_APP1 => (
        DEV_DMA        => 1,
        DEV_CRYPTO     => 1,
        DEV_BUS        => 0,
        DEV_EXTI       => 0,
        DEV_TIM        => 0,
        DEV_reserved   => 0,
        TIM_TIME       => 2,
        TIM_reserved   => 0,
        TSK_FISR       => 1,
        TSK_FIPC       => 0,
        TSK_RESET      => 0,
        TSK_UPGRADE    => 0,
        TSK_RANDOM     => 0,
        TSK_reserved   => 0,
        MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP => 0,
        MEM_reserved   => 0),
       -- ressource_perm_register for PIN
       ID_APP2 => (
        DEV_DMA        => 1,
        DEV_CRYPTO     => 0,
        DEV_BUS        => 1,
        DEV_EXTI       => 0,
        DEV_TIM        => 0,
        DEV_reserved   => 0,
        TIM_TIME       => 1,
        TIM_reserved   => 0,
        TSK_FISR       => 0,
        TSK_FIPC       => 0,
        TSK_RESET       => 0,
        TSK_UPGRADE       => 0,
        TSK_RANDOM     => 1,
        TSK_reserved   => 0,
        MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP => 0,
        MEM_reserved   => 0),
       -- ressource_perm_register for SDIO
       ID_APP3 => (
        DEV_DMA        => 1,
        DEV_CRYPTO     => 0,
        DEV_BUS        => 1,
        DEV_EXTI       => 0,
        DEV_TIM        => 1,
        DEV_reserved   => 0,
        TIM_TIME       => 3,
        TIM_reserved   => 0,
        TSK_FISR       => 1,
        TSK_FIPC       => 0,
        TSK_RESET       => 0,
        TSK_UPGRADE       => 0,
        TSK_RANDOM     => 0,
        TSK_reserved   => 0,
        MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP => 0,
        MEM_reserved   => 0),
       -- ressource_perm_register for SMART
       ID_APP4 => (
        DEV_DMA        => 1,
        DEV_CRYPTO     => 2,
        DEV_BUS        => 1,
        DEV_EXTI       => 1,
        DEV_TIM        => 0,
        DEV_reserved   => 0,
        TIM_TIME       => 3,
        TIM_reserved   => 0,
        TSK_FISR       => 1,
        TSK_FIPC       => 0,
        TSK_RESET       => 1,
        TSK_UPGRADE       => 0,
        TSK_RANDOM     => 1,
        TSK_reserved   => 0,
        MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP => 0,
        MEM_reserved   => 0),
       -- ressource_perm_register for USB
       ID_APP5 => (
        DEV_DMA        => 1,
        DEV_CRYPTO     => 0,
        DEV_BUS        => 1,
        DEV_EXTI       => 0,
        DEV_TIM        => 0,
        DEV_reserved   => 0,
        TIM_TIME       => 3,
        TIM_reserved   => 0,
        TSK_FISR       => 1,
        TSK_FIPC       => 0,
        TSK_RESET       => 0,
        TSK_UPGRADE       => 0,
        TSK_RANDOM     => 0,
        TSK_reserved   => 0,
        MEM_DYNAMIC_MAP => 0,
        MEM_reserved   => 0));

   CRYPTO : constant t_real_task_id := ID_APP1;
   PIN : constant t_real_task_id := ID_APP2;
   SDIO : constant t_real_task_id := ID_APP3;
   SMART : constant t_real_task_id := ID_APP4;
   USB : constant t_real_task_id := ID_APP5;

   -- ipc communication permissions
   com_ipc_perm : constant t_com_matrix :=
      (CRYPTO        => (ID_APP1 => false, ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => true,  ID_APP4 => true,  ID_APP5 => true),
       PIN   => (ID_APP1 => false, ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => true,  ID_APP5 => false),
       SDIO  => (ID_APP1 => true,  ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => false),
       SMART => (ID_APP1 => true,  ID_APP2 => true,  ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => false),
       USB   => (ID_APP1 => true,  ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => false));

   -- dmashm communication permissions
   com_dmashm_perm : constant t_com_matrix :=
      (CRYPTO        => (ID_APP1 => false, ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => true,  ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => true),
       PIN   => (ID_APP1 => false, ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => false),
       SDIO  => (ID_APP1 => true,  ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => false),
       SMART => (ID_APP1 => false, ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => false),
       USB   => (ID_APP1 => true,  ID_APP2 => false, ID_APP3 => false, ID_APP4 => false, ID_APP5 => false));

end ewok.perm_auto;