5.5.2. Syscalls FAQ What is the header to include to get the syscalls prototypes?

Syscalls are implemented as functions in userspace, in the libstd. The header is syscalls.h. When I declare a device, I always get SYS_E_DENIED?

Denying may be the consequence of various causes:
  1. You are not in the initialization phase
  2. You don’t have the permission to register this type of device (see EwoK permissions)
  3. If you use EXTI for one or more GPIO, you must have the corresponding permission
  4. If you require a forced execution of the main thread for one more more ISR, you must have the corresponding permission
  5. You have left a field non-configured with a value that means something not permitted in your case (for example EXTI access request for GPIO)


It is a good idea to memset to 0 a device_t structure before configuring it and requesting a device to the kernel. When I configure a device, I always get SYS_E_INVAL?

Returning invalid may be the consequence of various causes:
  1. Your device_t structure contains some invalid (unset) field(s). When using the Ada kernel, be sure to memset to 0 the structure before using it, the kernel is very strict with the user entries (for obvious security reasons)
  2. You try to map a device that is not in the supported device map
  3. You try to map a device with an invalid size
  4. You have set more IRQ or more GPIOs than the maximum supported in the device_t structure


It is a good idea to memset to 0 a device_t structure before configuring it and requesting a device to the kernel, and highly recommended when using the Ada kernel