7.8. The ILI9341 driver

This is the ILI9341 Touchscreen TFT part implementation driver.

7.8.1. About the ILI8341 driver

This device is a TFT screen peripheral connected through a SPI bus interface. This driver aims to be at most SoC-independent and board independent.

7.8.2. The ILI9341 TFT driver API Initializing the ILI9341 driver

Initializing the ili9341 driver is done with the following API:

#include "libtft.h"

uint8_t tft_early_init(void);
uint8_t tft_init(void); About early init

The ILI9341 driver early initialization declare the requested GPIOs directly connected to the ILI9341 peripheral. These GPIOs are independent of the SPI bus GPIOs, which are initialized by the SPI driver.


The caller is responsible for declaring the SPI bus through which the peripheral is connected, using the SPI driver About init

The init step configure the GPIOs declared at early init phase and configure the SPI bus previously configured by the caller. The SPI bus must be mapped. Manipulating colors

The screen is manipulated using background and foreground colors. These color are set using the following API:

#include "libtft.h"

void tft_setfg(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void tft_setbg(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);

Colors are encoded in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values, from 0 (the darkest) to 255 (the lightest).

Colors can be updated regulary, mostly before filling rectlangles or writing text content onscreen. Filling colored rectangles


Here, like in other API using corrdinates, x and y are in pixels

Filling a colored rectangle area with a given color is done with the following API:

#include "libtft.h"

void tft_fill_rectangle(int x1, int x2,
                        int y1, int y2,
                        uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);

This API permit to fullfill a screen area starting from the coordinate x1-y1 to x2-y2 with the RGB color based on the r,g,b tuple. Writing text data

The ILI9341 device driver permits to write text content onscreen. Set current cursor coordinate

When writing text data, the cursor position must be set. If not, it will take the last known cursor position, or 0,0.

Setting the cursor position is done using the following API:

#include "libtft.h"

void tft_set_cursor_pos(int x,int y); Writing text

Writing text onscreen is done with the following API:

#include "libtft.h"

void tft_putc(char c);
int  tft_puts(const char *s);

This two function update the current cursor position accordingly to the argument length.


The ILI9341 driver does not handle end of screen newline


Take care to set foreground and background color if needed Showing an image

The ILI9341 driver support an abstraction for transfering image content to the peripheral. This abstraction is based on RLE image compression format (see lib_gui documentation). Sending RLE image onscreen is done using the following API:

#include "libtft.h"

void tft_rle_image(int x, int y,
                   int width, int height,
                   const uint8_t *colormap,
                   const uint8_t *data,
                   int datalen);

The RLE image is printed starting at coordinate x and y. The effective size of the image is defined by its width and height. The colormap (which hold a list of RGB colors), data (image content in RLE format) and datalen (holding the length in bytes of the data argument) define the overall image content.


The libgui provides a tool which permits to convert images to RLE source images

TODO: other API description